
Your interest in employment at 澳门十大赌城官方网站 (FSU) is sincerely appreciated.


  • 目前的工作机会都贴在人力资源办公室 主要就业页面 并随着新职位的出现而更新.
  • 大学在地区报纸上刊登广告,包括《澳门赌城官方网站》 坎伯兰时报新闻的国家出版物,如 高等教育编年史, 还有其他期刊, 专业组织, 网站, 列出与招聘职位相匹配的服务器.
  • 反歧视行动 & 平等就业机会
  • 就业类别定义
  • If you are interested in working for FSU and are not from this area here are some 房地产资源.
  • 这是一本关于弗罗斯特堡和景点的小册子! 弗罗斯特堡市中心和景点地图


Following are some helpful hints on how to apply for employment at 大学, along with information about the application and employment process at FSU. Keeping these points in mind will help to ensure that your application materials receive optimum consideration for employment.

  • 仔细阅读大学的招聘广告.

    每个广告都将描述职位的职责和责任, 列出最低和首选资格, 并解释如何申请. Read the ad carefully to determine if you are interested in and qualified for the position, 如果你决定申请的话,要完全按照说明去做.

    Applicants who do not meet at least the minimum qualifications for a position are screened out of the applicant pool and not considered for employment in that position.

  • 具体说明你想申请的空缺职位.

    Clearly mark the title and number of the position (Administrative Assistant II #07-010000, 例如)在你的申请材料上, 尤其是那封兴趣委托书.

    因为FSU通常会同时发布大量广告, 有时是几个相同职位的人, and a different Search Committee reviews applications for each open position, it is essential to specify which position you are interested in to ensure your entry in the correct applicant pool. If applying for an adjunct teaching position, clearly specify your area(s) of teaching interest.

    申请每一个你想应聘的职位. The University does not maintain an applicant interest file for unsolicited applications or keep applications on file for contact in the event a suitable position becomes available.

  • Make sure your application materials are complete as requested in the ad for the position.

    每个广告将详细说明申请材料要求, 通常是兴趣信, 重新开始, 还有三位专业推荐人的联系方式. 在某些情况下, 附加材料,如成绩单, 教学评估, 工作样本, 或者可以要求提供推荐信.

    一定要提交所有要求的材料. Remember to include all attachments if e-mailing application materials. If any materials such as transcripts or letters of reference are being submitted separately, note in your letter of interest that these supplemental materials are forthcoming. Applications that are incomplete at the time of Search Committee review generally are not considered for employment.

    Other than for certain trades positions, FSU does not use an application form. Please do not contact the Office of 人力资源 to ask for an application packet. Follow the directions in the ad to determine the application materials requested.

  • 提交 your application to the address specified in the ad for the position.

    除非广告中另有说明, application materials are to be sent directly to the Office of 人力资源 at FSU. (Certain trades positions are filled through the Allegany County One Stop Job Center in the McMullen Building at 138 Baltimore Street in Cumberland, 马里兰. Ads for those positions will clearly specify that the Job Center is responsible for the distribution and collection of applications.)

    The Office of 人力资源 will forward your application materials to the Search Committee making the hiring decision. 将你的申请误导给搜索委员会主席, 招聘部门, 学术部门的主席, 院长办公室, 副总统办公室, 总统办公室, or elsewhere will delay processing of your materials and could prevent you from being included in an applicant pool if your materials are not forwarded to the Office of 人力资源.

  • 按时申请.

    FSU不接受逾期申请. Check the ad for an application deadline and be sure to submit your materials no later than the specified date.

    The Office of 人力资源 accepts applications that are mailed and postmarked no later than the advertised application deadline date. Hand-delivered applications are accepted in the Office of 人力资源 (or at the Job Center for certain trades positions) until the close of business on the application deadline date. 申请也可以通过电子邮件发送到 humanresources@gzyyhc.com or faxed to 301-687-4118 no later than 12:00 midnight on the application deadline date.


  • 在申请截止日期之前不期待面试吗.

    The Office of 人力资源 oversees the search process from start to finish, but forwards applications to the appropriate Search Committees to screen, 采访时, 并推荐候选人. No candidates will be interviewed and no hiring decision will be made until the application deadline has passed. Please do not contact the Office of 人力资源 to ask about the status of an open position if the advertised application deadline date has not yet passed - at that point, 澳门十大赌城官方网站将继续接受申请.

  • 如果被联系去面试,要随时准备好.

    在截止日期前收到的所有申请都经过筛选后, 遴选委员会与被选中参加面试的候选人联系.Be sure to reply promptly in the event you are contacted to schedule an interview, since the Search Committee can move on to other qualified candidates if you fail to respond. 在某些情况下, the Search Committee will conduct telephone interviews before scheduling campus visits. Candidates who are interviewed receive more information about the position, 大学, 以及面试时的招聘流程.

  • Realize that meeting the minimum qualifications does not guarantee you will be interviewed.

    Do not assume you will be interviewed for a position at FSU simply because you meet the minimum qualifications as listed in the ad. After applications are screened to determine who meets minimum qualifications, the Search Committee ranks applicants further according to the quality and amount of education, 经验, 知识, 以及每个人都拥有的技能. 由于大学经常收到大量的申请, 很多都是来自非常合格的候选人, 并不是每个合格的申请人都可以参加面试.